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This page corresponds to 1.1.0 version
Abilities is new mechanic that added in 1.1.0, some SCP's reworked to use abilities instead of LMB/RMB interaction. This mechanic handle usage time, recharging and also displays information on UI.
PC users can activate ability by using key, mobile users can press on icon to activate.
[CLIENT] AddAbility(string id, string name, Sprite sprite, float useTime, float rechargeTime, KeyCode triggerKey, bool isReady = false, Action onUse = default, Action onStop = default, Action onReload = default) - add ability.
[CLIENT] RemoveAbility(string id) - remove ability.
id - must be unique for each ability name - text that will be displayed on UI. sprite - image that will be displayed on UI. useTime - how long will the ability be used. rechargeTime - how long will the ability recharge. triggerKey - key that must be pressed to activate ability. onUse - method that will be invoked upon activation. onStop - method that will be invoked when usage time runs out. onReload - method that will be invoked when reload time runs out. isReady - will ability charged at start.