Creating New Player Class
All Player Classes must be placed under namespace Plugin.Classes
Some code will not work in 1.1 version. This page will be updated later.
Class Functions
Init() - [OPTIONAL] class initialization.
Update() - [OPTIONAL] called every frame.
OnStop() - [OPTIONAL] called on class destroy.
OnEscape() - [OPTIONAL] called when players escapes(Trigger on surface at Exit B).
GetHand() - [REQUIRED] return hand material ID(required only for classes that can pickup items).
GetName() - [REQUIRED] displayed class name.
GetTeamID() - [REQUIRED] class team.
GetClassColor() - [REQUIRED] class color in HEX.
GetPlayerInfo(HitBox) - [OPTIONAL] additional information when player looks at someone, return string [DEFAULT: ""].
GetDeadInfo(DeadBox) - [OPTIONAL] additional information when player looks at dead body, return string [DEFAULT: ""].
OnOpenInventory() - [OPTIONAL] can this class open inventory, return boolean [DEFAULT: false].
IgnoreSCP() - [OPTIONAL] is this class ignore all scp mechanics, return boolean [DEFAULT: false].
CheckpointPass() - [OPTIONAL] can this class open checkpoints without key card, return boolean [DEFAULT: false].
CanTakeDamage() - [OPTIONAL] can this class take damage, return boolean [DEFAULT: true].
OnTakeDamage(DamageHandler) - [OPTIONAL] called when player takes damage.
Local Properties
player - return current Player class.
playerModel - shared property, that must be assigned from player class.
Local Functions
SendToEveryone(string FunctionName, params object[] arguments) - send command to every player to call function with arguments.
SendToClient(string FunctionName, NetworkConnection connection, params object[] arguments) - send command to player with connection to call function with arguments.
SendToServer(string FunctionName, params object[] arguments) - send command to server to call function with arguments.
Invoke(Function, float seconds) - same logic as UnityEngine.Object.Invoke, call function after time.
Example Solution can be downloaded here: Link to archive
Now we can compile this plugin and move library to server plugins folder according to Folder Structure Now we can force class:
Last updated