Folder Structure
Folders, File Structure
DLL files must be placed under folder Plugins, you cant place DLL files under subdirectories, otherwise plugin will not load.
There two types of resources that must be placed in their named folder:
"server" - this resources can be accessed only on server side.
"client" - this resources can be accessed only on client side.
Platform names
Possible values:
You can load this resources from plugins using ScriptHelper.LoadClip/LoadTexture/LoadText/LoadData/LoadBundle
Plugins Sync
Connecting to server splitted into three steps:
Account identification.
Plugin synchronization.
Acquiring server info.
Account identification step used to get user info and communicate with master server before player was created on server. Plugin identifation step used to send all server plugins and their client/shared resources before player was created, to make sure that rooms/items/players will properly load plugin classes. Acquiring server info step used to get all another game information from server.
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