[SERVER/Client] AddToInventory(Akequ.Base.Item item)
[SERVER] GiveItem(System.String script)
[SERVER/Client] SetClass(System.String className)
[SERVER] ChangeHealth(DamageHandler damage)
[Client] SetVCChannelServer(System.Int32 channel, System.String sendroom, System.String recieveroom)
[Client] SetVCChannelClient(System.Int32 channel, System.String sendroom, System.String recieveroom)
[SERVER/Client] CanInteract(System.Boolean status)
[Client] Jump()
[Client] Run(System.Boolean state)
[Client] SCPWasSeen()
[SERVER] Teleport(UnityEngine.Vector3 vec)
[Client] UpdateRoomsVisiblity()
[SERVER] RemoveItemOnServer(Akequ.Base.Item it)
[SERVER] DropAllItems()
[SERVER] GetAvailAmmo(System.String ammoType)
[SERVER] SetAvailAmmo(System.String ammoType, System.UInt16 value)
[SERVER/Client] GetSpawnPoints(System.String zone, System.String pointTag)
[Client] SetFootsteps(UnityEngine.AudioClip[] footsteps)
[Client] SetFPS(System.Boolean status)
[SERVER/Client] SetSpeed(System.Single walkSpeed, System.Single runSpeed)
[SERVER/Client] SetJumpPower(System.Single power)
[Client] SetSimulateFootsteps(System.Boolean status)
[Client] SetHeadbob(System.Boolean status)
[SERVER] KickMessage(System.String reason)
[SERVER/Client] SetHandAnim(System.Int32 state)
[SERVER/Client] GetBoneTransform(System.String boneName)
[Client] ShowAdminMessage(System.String messageText, System.Single time)
[SERVER/Client] InitHealth(System.UInt32 max, UnityEngine.Color color)
[Client] HideHealth()
[SERVER] PlaySCPSound(System.String clipName)
[Client] PlayBellSound(System.Int32 type)
playerClass - Akequ.Base.PlayerClass instance items - Akequ.Base.Item[10] instances isSpeaking - is player currently speak in voice chat canPickup - can player pickup items accountName - player account name accountUID - player account uid globalAdmin - is this player global admin reservedSlot - is this player has reserved slot globalTag - player global tag deviceID - players device ID playerId - players unique ID, generated on connect interaction - shortcut to PlayerInteract isAdmin - is this player admin rights - Admin Panel rights avatar - account avatar, Sprite fps - shortcut to FirstPersonController health - player current health maxHealth - player maximum health, given by class deathReason - reason when player died, given from DamageHandler.deathReason currentItem - item, that player currently using.
Last updated