Creating Additional Networked Class
All Additional Networked classes must be placed under namespace Plugin.Additional Additional Networked classes use same logic as Room Event classes, because have same logic and spawns every time, unlike room classes, which require the room to exist. Don't forget to add class name to MustSpawnClasses array in Plugin Info.
Class Functions
Init() - [OPTIONAL] class initialization.
Update() - [OPTIONAL] called every frame.
Local Properties
netEvent - return NetworkedEvent class.
Local Functions
SendToEveryone(string FunctionName, params object[] arguments) - send command to every player to call function with arguments.
SendToClient(string FunctionName, NetworkConnection connection, params object[] arguments) - send command to player with connection to call function with arguments.
SendToServer(string FunctionName, params object[] arguments) - send command to server to call function with arguments.
Invoke(Function, float seconds) - same logic as UnityEngine.Object.Invoke, call function after time.
Example Solution can be downloaded here: Link to archive
Now we can compile this plugin and move library to server plugins folder according to Folder Structure Now we can connect to server and see our message:
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