Creating New Admin Panel Menu
All Admin Panel classes must be placed under namespace Plugin.AdminPanel
Class Functions
Init() - [OPTIONAL] class initialization.
OnOpen() - [OPTIONAL] called when player clicks on tab.
GetName() - [REQUIRED] return displayed tab name, return string [DEFAULT: "Unknown"].
Local Properties
adminPanel - return AdminPanel class.
Local Functions
SendToEveryone(string FunctionName, params object[] arguments) - send command to every player to call function with arguments.
SendToClient(string FunctionName, NetworkConnection connection, params object[] arguments) - send command to player with connection to call function with arguments.
SendToServer(string FunctionName, params object[] arguments) - send command to server to call function with arguments.
Invoke(Function, float seconds) - same logic as UnityEngine.Object.Invoke, call function after time.
Example Solution can be downloaded here: Link to archive
Now we can compile this plugin and move library to server plugins folder according to Folder Structure Now we can see our new window in admin panel:
Last updated